Distance Learning


How it works

  • Enroll in one of our virtual classes

  • Download the Zoom app or bookmark Zoom on your desktop, and sign up for an account

    • Don’t worry it’s free to use!

    • Android users click here to download

    • Apple users click here to download

  • Check your e-mail for an invitation to class

  • Click on the link in the e-mail to join the meeting at the designated class time

  • Enjoy training your dog from the comfort of your home with the trainers you trust

What you’ll need:

  • Internet access or unlimited phone data

  • Webcam or a smartphone with camera

  • Your dog

  • Tiny tasty treats

What you might need, but is not required:

  • 6 foot flat leather or nylon leash

    • No retractable leashes please

  • Flat collar, harness, gentle leader, or martingale collar

    • Collars that pinch or choke are not acceptable

  • Bluetooth enabled headphones

  • Tripod for your phone or webcam

What you won’t need:

  • To leave the house

  • Advanced computer skills

  • Shoes